Exhibit A: (please note that the "O" is bigger than the cookies)

Long Answer: A chocolate sandwich cookie made by COMPANIA DE GALLETAS NOEL S.A., CARRERA 52 NO. 2-38. MEDELLIN, CO.
Not to be confused with it's brother Festy Chocolate, the Festy WOW! is made of two chocolate cookies sandwiched together with white cream filling. It is usually found next to the Festy Vanillas and Festy Strawberry in small stores in Spanish speaking neighborhoods that are somehow able to find every imported food south of Texas but will not have a decent bunch of grapes.
The Festy w0w! typically comes in twelve individually wrapped "2Go" packs stuffed into larger blue and white bag with bright, outlined letters.
Now this is how Festy Wows changed my life.
During my first couple weeks of working at DY, we had to represent OSP at after-school program recruitment fair for 6th - 12th graders at a nearby community college. That's how I met this guy:
Classic, no? Now clearly this gem was too busy giving himself the title "Party Lifesaver" and gluing oversized confetti onto hoodies to actually
At least that's what I got out of the conversation well that and his card:
Yes you can find him on Skype, AIM, website #1, website #2, website #3, MySpace, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and Ustream... or you can reach him by cell or email)
And yes, that is a purple glossy two-sided business card with a ghost on the front.
Honestly it's the only way to go these days.
(if he ever stumbles across this he should be thankful for the free advertising)
Well of course since this was my first couple of weeks at work and this is the first guy in which I expressed some kind of interest, I didn't hear the end of DJ Scoop (The Party LiveSaver) for a couple of weeks. In fact on the first day we went to get "healthy" snacks for our middle school poetry program, about 2 weeks later, my coworker decided that we were going to figure out my new DJ name... you know since I was going to get private lessons and all. But instead of thinking about kicking it with the purple ghost guy I made it my mission to explain why festy wows were a necessary bonus to our "healthy snack" restrictions.
I had to explain to her the beauty of the name wOw!. They could have stopped at Festy Chocolate or Festy-Os. The letters, the font, the rainbow colors were carefully chosen to look like Oreos that are even _more_ fun to eat. The packaging was carefully crafted to appeal to children, the individual "2Go" portions for the parental approval. I was standing there expounding upon this piece of bilingual advertising gold that could not be found in any other store in a four block radius and all she wanted to do was talk about a damn DJ name!
I guess you can say we came to a compromise. We bought the cookies. She got to name me DJ Festy Wow.
The name stuck. Renny / Scoop / RenyoirJr / PartyLifesaver / Casper/ etc. didn't.
Any questions? ;)