Something I did while working tech for the Bronx Acting Ensemble's production of Twilight
by Anna Deavere Smith.
From Google: Twilight: Angeles, 1992 is Anna Deveare Smith's work of "documentary theatre" in which she uses the verbatim words of people who experienced the Los Angeles riots to expose and explore the devastating human impact of both the verdict and the tragic events that followed. Twilight: Los Angeles 1992 goes directly to the heart of the issues of race and class and ruthlessly probes the language and and the lives of its subjects, offering stark insight into the complex and pressing social, economic, and political issues that fueled the flames in the wake of the Rodney King verdict.
This was the sheet of construction paper I was using to cover the projector between each monologue (talk about a tech-heavy play... sheesh) and apparently prolonged exposure to a projector lamp + cheap construction paper = awesome window-like effect. The doodling happened during the talk-back where BAE's Artistic Director Patty Dukes asked the audience and the actors about the different perspectives of the 1992 Los Angeles riots, the significance of the quote "riot is the voice of the unheard" and the possible alternatives to riots. It was pretty good (and interesting) discussion for the kids and community to have but at the tail-end of a 12 hour day, my brain wasn't having it...
(Honestly I wasn't going to take the time to even put this up, but I did at the request of my 2 favorite interns, Hamlet & Timmy... that and it's worth it to share the work we do around social justice...err, injustices... with our teens)
<3 until next time
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