me: how?... i know it's physically possible because she's doing it but what are all the technical aspects of that body position and can it be done by an average person, hence staring for 3 min. (and the answer is yes. it can be done by an average person. i made cheche do it... even though she claims to be completely non-flexible... i got her to do a elbow triangle inversion thing too where she almost touched her head with her feet but that's another story)
chibi: ooooo pretty... can i have it as a desktop?
cheche (chibi's sister): THAT is impossible... are you sure it's not photoshopped?
isadora & alayaka (blockmates #3 & #4): this ad is pointless. nobody would ever wear that. men are stupid for thinking that's realistic.
tvu: its degradin. say its pretty messed up. why r her legs opened...but actually its becomin more common in fashion advertisin. these crazy positions. i would question whether she is a dancer. but im aware of how sexist the media is.
heartstocking: I just don't get why the leg is necsssary. haha. like it's not even sexual to me. it ruins the entire composition.
gmdbj: naturally, i feel obligated to be like "man, that's exploiting women and has nothing to do with the product"
but the ad is hot
littlebrother: instantly reminded me of this http://www.panopticist.com/graphics/hustler_june_1978.gif
Of course in Hootenanny today I overhear a whole conversation about AA taking the "sexuality" out their magazine and making their whole advertising strategy revolve more around family-friendly images to appeal to the "gap buying" demographic of yuppie mothers who would like to take their kids shopping with them.
Which, in turn, links to the entire conservative trend of advertising, media, and programming that has been steadily rising since 9/11 to provide a means to obtaining a sense of security through the image of a "wholesome" american lifestyle. Then there's the new teen image where it's cool to be the invisible, non-rebellious kid who ultimately succeeds because they play by the rules (Juno, Nick and Nora... there's more coming...just wait for it) or the "new man" who is allowed to feel and ultimately wants a stable relationship which will lead to a family (dude-flicks.. chick-flicks for guys, started with wedding crashers most recently made of honor... don't worry they're going to be getting chickier in the next few years).
Great ad. Sex sells and it definitely caught my attention. But then again, I think they should legalize prostitution.
-The Analyst
Seduce Me Tonight
Cycle V
Flashdance Soundtrack
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