Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Observations on a Chibi (The Aussie)

chibi, n.
1. Japanese A "short person" or "small child." The word has gained currency amongst fans of manga and anime. Its meaning is of someone or some animal that is small. It can be translated as "little," but is not used the same way as chiisana (tiny, small, little in Japanese).

2. N. American A gremlin, stinky, self-manufactured crackhead, college roommate

The Chibi (smidgetus africanus) originates from TZ on the east coast of Africa and has been in existence for 20 + years. The odd one in a family of 4 daughters, the chibi seems to have been the product of a mutated gene strain that makes her prone to lush-like behavior, intentional politically incorect dialogue and psuedo hyper-sexuality.

Personal Observations:

Fall '05 - Spring '06
First sighting of the Chibi was 09/05 Room C of W36. She believed herself to be among giants when she first encountered my family and myself (all of us of the altus negrus species) and approached us with a fearful timidity befitting her stature. The chibi appeared to be of a species with which I would be able to effectively communicate and soon after meeting the other species of W36, the chibi and I decided it would be best to occupy the same quarters. At first we encountered some differences of opinion due to previous cultural experience. But the Chibi proved to be the most interesting, tolerant, enjoyable, and sane of the W36 species set and she quickly became the person with whom I spent most of my time. By the end of the year, the Chibi and I decided to remain rooming companions for the upcoming year.

Highlights: The Owl the first week, blankets, W dirty sex, the futon, gimme dat, lion king alarm, porn and expresso (so wasn't there for that one), reach out and touch, corners, potato/vodka, xmas lights, 5 people 2 beds what?, disney girls, school house rock (3 is a magic number)

Fall '06 - Spring '07
The year began with a relocation of living quarters to the land of the quadlings. The room was substantially bigger and the Chibi and I were fairly satisfied. However this made waking each other from sleep exponentially difficult. Hence the practice of object throwing was invented. It started with the shoes. The Chibi and I did not have as many interactions due to scheduling conflicts, extracurricular activities and different choices of recreation activities but the love was still there...especially when finals came around.

Highlights: shoe bucket, next day recap, movie night, 300, south park, hall window, gchat, whitfield, Halloween (nun, school girl, cop, detective), new york, dreamgirls, promise video

Fall '07 - Spring '08
The first year the Chibi and I technically lived apart though we were still connected through the bathroom. Which also meant the first time we could independently control the room tempature. There was tropical storm in the bathroom everyday, apparently Chibis work best in tropical conditions. The sembiotic existence was extremely solidfied and the system of interaction became automatic. We also learned a very valueable lesson in how not to bite off more than we can chew. The second half of the year we were unfortunately (for the world) left alone to influence each other without outside guidance. 'Twas an "interesting" time in life and many boundaries were blown to bits. Was also the first year the Chibi was classified as the Chibi.

Highlights: T4, blow-out #1, boy-translation, theories, "interesting", planets, relationship book, monsoon in the bathroom, off campus, alternative taxis, barcelona, san sebastian, diseased child, gremlin, blockbuster, hostile takeover, shirts, double trouble, post-it note wall, tip shoes

Fall '08 - Spring '08
This is the last year the Chibi and I will be spending together. We have grown quite accostumed to and comfortable with each other. Somehow the strange relationship has gotten stranger and there are no signs that it will be returning to normalcy any time soon. There are doubts as to whether it will be possible to live with another species after living so long with a thing like a smidgetus africanus.

Highlights (so far): justice book, esl, respiratory, Palin, Fables, Ruby-syndrome, Aussie, rexy/lemmie, VH1 addiction, MVDVDs...

(belated) Good luck on your midterm Cheebs!
-The Aussie
Mogwai Sorry Song (stop denying your people!)

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